Psalm 40
1. I waited and I waited for the LORD. / Then from the pit He lifted me, / From clay and mire He set me free: / The LORD bent down to me; my cry He heard. / Upon a rock He brought me; / I sing the song He taught me, / A ne song to His laud. / No many shall come near / To see it and to fear, / And put their trust in God.
2. Blest is the man who makes the LORD his trust, / Who does not turn to men of pride, / To those who in false gods confide, / But clings to Him, our God so great and just. / Thy mighty deeds so wondrous / And all Thy thoughts toward us / Thou, LORD, hast multiplied. / None can with Thee compare, / Nor all Thy works declare, / Nor count them, though he tried.
3. No sacrifice didst Thou, O LORD, require; / Thou gavest me an open ear. / Then I said, “Lo, I now appear; / To do Thy will, O God, is my desire. / Take Thou my life and mould it. / I come, the book foretold it; / ‘Tis written in its roll. / Thy will is my delight; / I cherish day and night / Thy law in heart and soul.” / W. van der Kamp, 1972; rev.
Genevan Psalter