Psalm 31
1. In Thee, O LORD, I’ve taken refuge. / Let shame not cover me; / I put my trust in Thee. / Come in Thy righteousness and save me / From those who do not fear Thee; / My God and Helper, hear me.
2. O LORD, come quickly to my rescue; / Be Thou my rock and tower. / To save me show Thy power; / Thou art my rock and mighty fortress. / Be Thou my Guide and heed me, / And for Thy Name’s sake lead me.
3. Out of the net that they have hidden / Set Thou me free, I pray. / O LORD, do not delay. / Into Thy hands I give my spirit; / I’m ransomed by Thy favor, / LORD, God of truth, my Savior! / W. van der Kamp, 1967; rev.
Genevan Psalter