Psalm 139
1. O LORD my God, Thou searchest me; / My heart and mind are known to Thee! / No things are hidden from Thine eyes / When I sit down and when I rise, / And from afar Thou art discerning / My thoughts and hopes, my secret yearning. /
2. Thou knowest all and Thou dost trace / My journey and my resting-place. / The ways I go are clear to Thee, / And all my doings Thou dost see. / My tongue, though silent, is revealing / The inmost thoughts I am concealing. /
3. Thou art before me and behind / And Thou hast probed my heart and mind; / Upon me Thou hast laid Thy hand. / O LORD, how could I understand / Thy wondrous knowledge or explain it, / So high that I cannot attain it! / W. van der Kamp, 1972
Genevan Psalter