Psalm 119
1. How blessed are those upright in their way, / Who keep the LORD’s decrees with dedication / And in their walk of life His law obey. / How blest are those who with determination, / Wholeheartedly, seek Him by night and day / And look to Him for guidance and salvation.
2. How blest are they who shun iniquities, / Thy holy law with diligence observing. / Thou hast laid down Thy statutes and decrees, / To be obeyed in faithfulness unswerving. / O may I but submit myself to these / And so go forth, a steady course preserving.
3. I know that I shall not be put to shame / If I but with attention undivided / Heed the commands which Thou, LORD, didst / proclaim. / I thank Thee for the law Thou hast provided; / I worship Thee and praise Thy holy Name. / Forsake me not; by Thee let me be guided. / William Helder, 1972
Genevan Psalter