Psalm 105
1. O thank the LORD with great rejoicing, / His deeds among the peoples voicing! / Praise Him, His wondrous works proclaim / And glory in His holy Name. / Let those who seek Him praise the LORD, / Their hearts exulting in His word. /
2. Turn to the LORD, who fails us never, / And seek His face, His strength, forever. / Recall the wonders He has wrought, / The righteous judgments He has taught. / Remember these, you chosen ones, / O Abraham’s offspring, Jacob’s sons! /
3. He is the LORD, our God unfailing, / His judgments everywhere prevailing. / He will remember and uphold / His covenant made in days of old. / The steadfast words He did command / A thousand generations stand. / W. van der Kamp, 1972; rev.
Genevan Psalter