Lord, listen to the babies!

Gebet von Catherine McMillan

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Zur aktuellen Flüchtlingsdebatte und EU-Grenzpolitik

Lord, listen to the babies crying! They were ripped from their mother’s arms, pulled off their father’s laps and locked up with strangers - as a warning, as a weapon of war.

Lord, listen to those babies. Jesus showed us your heart for children. He told us that if any of us put a stumbling block before one of these little ones, we might as well have a great millstone fastened around our necks and be drowned in the depths of the sea. That’s what he said. Lord, listen! Yes, I’m listening, too. I won’t shut my ears.

There are babies in my life, babies at the borders of Europe. There are babies on sinking boots in the Mediterranean. Lord…

Catherine McMillan, Dübendorf Schweiz